There are so many traffic laws out there but there are some that are totally made up by people or they just interpreted them wrong. This can be really problematic because it can lead to fines, violations, and sometimes even accidents. That is why everyone must understand what the truth is and that they make sure that they do what is right. Here, we are going to present some of these problematic ideas, hoping that everything will be clearer afterward.
Rolling through a stop sign
Many drivers do not understand that not coming to a complete stop before a stop sign is a traffic violation, and what they do is only slow down and pass on. No matter if the traffic is heavy or not, you must stop there, as sometimes it can happen that you do not see pedestrians or bicyclists there, and then you become involved in such an accident. So, remember to stop completely and thoroughly check your surroundings before moving on, as not doing this can put you at risk of traffic tickets and lost points on your driving license.

Driving under the speed limit
Driving slowly can become as dangerous as speeding, especially on busy highways and other major roads. Speed limits are there for a reason, and this is also the case when there is a rule that you must not go under a certain speed, so you must follow this traffic law if you don’t want to get into legal trouble. Driving slowly can cause congestion, traffic jams, and unfortunately even car accidents, as other drivers may not have patience for you and will try to overtake you, increasing the likelihood of crashes. If this happens, you will need reputable and skilled legal representation to help you solve the issue and get the best outcome possible, as traffic laws can be complicated to deal with by yourself. If you want to be on the safe side without speeding too much, stay in the right lane and let the other drivers overtake you safely.
Speeding up with the traffic
Some people think that it is allowed to speed up if all of the other cars are driving faster. They think that they should not impede the movement of traffic by driving slower, even if they drive faster than what is allowed. This is completely wrong. If everybody else is breaking the law, you should not be doing the same. You need to realize that the speeding limit is there for a reason and that a police officer has every right to write you a fine.
Running through a yellow light
Almost every driver has run through a yellow light at least once in their life and there are situations when you can do it without breaking the law. If the light just turned yellow and you cannot stop safely, then you have every right to continue. People who run a yellow, even if they can stop safely, can be fined for their actions. Treat it as a warning and you will be alright.

Being familiar with common traffic law misconceptions will help you be safer on the road, as you will easily avoid dangerous situations, misunderstandings, and other issues. Do not ignore them, as they are set for a good reason, and respecting them will only bring you good.