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How many 520 did Lifan sell in December 2014?

Lifan sold 49 520 in December 2014.


The 520 is a vehicle from automaker Lifan.

How Much Does the Lifan 520 Cost?

The 520 starts at CN¥40,900 Yuan ($5,726 USD) MSRP. Fully equipped, the 520 will cost you about CN¥49,900 Yuan ($6,986 USD).

Lifan 520 Engine and Performance

The 520 includes a 1.3LL that delivers 65 Kw (87.17 HP) - 69 Kw (92.53 HP) and 110 Nm (81.40 ft-lb) - 128 Nm (94.72 ft-lb) torque.

Lifan 520 China Sale figures by year, quarter, and month are presented below. Including the most up to date sales data for the Lifan 520.

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2006 - - - - - - - - - - - 2600
2007 2600 2600 4496 4383 5680 5680 1343 1281 3600 3626 2430 966
2008 2400 1402 1566 1612 1284 1624 1468 1190 1474 779 948 1035
2009 1715 1716 1344 1118 1222 966 889 854 1477 1441 1731 4500
2010 7500 1993 1431 1402 1431 1519 1618 1717 0 1829 1918 2000
2011 2601 2659 2863 2879 2752 2531 2467 2352 2356 2489 2601 2916
2012 2164 1727 1589 1548 1579 2211 2318 2285 2535 2525 2523 2621
2013 863 340 563 222 534 706 434 498 143 164 107 278
2014 50 32 21 25 25 0 53 40 69 36 34 49
Total 19893 12469 13873 13189 14507 15237 10590 10217 11654 12889 12292 16965
Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2006 - - - 2600
2007 9696 15743 6224 7022
2008 5368 4520 4132 2762
2009 4775 3306 3220 7672
2010 10924 4352 3335 5747
2011 8123 8162 7175 8006
2012 5480 5338 7138 7669
2013 1766 1462 1075 549
2014 103 50 162 119
Total 46235 42933 32461 42146
Year Sales
2014 434
2013 4852
2012 25625
2011 31466
2010 24358
2009 18973
2008 16782
2007 38685
2006 2600
Total 163775

Lifan 520 Monthly China Sales Figures

Lifan 520 Quarterly China Sales Figures

Lifan 520 Yearly China Sales Figures

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Sources: Manufacturers