Dodge dealership locations in the USA

List of all Dodge dealership locations in the USA


This data set was last updated on March 02, 2025.

There are 2,406 rows in this dataset.

Discount Code (if any)

Instantly download a comprehensive directory of Dodge dealership locations in the USA locations across the United States, complete with geocoded addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.

Fields included in the database:
  • Store No.
  • City
  • Email (Optional)
  • Name
  • State
  • URL (Optional)
  • Latitude
  • Zip Code
  • Provider
  • Longitude
  • Phone (Optional)
  • Updated Date
  • Address
  • Fax (Optional)
  • Country
  • Street

Dodge dealership list on the map


How does this work?

When you tap "Purchase" above, it will redirect you to a checkout page. It will ask you for credit card information and upon successful completion, we will send you a spreadsheet of Dodge dealership locations in the USA to the email address provided. We also recommend you download a sample to get an idea of what you will be purchasing.

How long will it take to receive the email after I made a purchase?

Typically within 10 minutes of purchase, but it can be up to 1 hour. Also, check your Spam folder just in case. If you haven't received it within 1 hour, please contact us.

Our team is interested in a more tailored solution. Could you provide us with additional data support to meet our specific needs?

Our team has had the privilege of collaborating with numerous organizations to address their unique data requirements. We would be delighted to assist you in the same way. Please feel free to reach out to us by email and let's discuss how we can help you achieve your data goals. Send our team a message.

I want to know more about Stripe and how they keep my Credit Card information secure.

CarFigures is never in direct contact with your credit card number. That means we never see your credit card information. We rely on our 3rd party partner Stripe to process all payments made on our website. Stripe is audited to be PCI Service Provider Level 1 certified. Learn more here.

I have more questions.

We want to make sure you are 100% comfortable with your purchase. Send our team a message and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Data Use Terms

The data sets are for your personal or business use only. Data sets are not allowed to be redistributed, repackaged or resold.
